What the overdose of technology has done for mankind can be surmised thus "the world has become a smaller place". Basically, that is a very good thing. You get to know what happens at the antipodal end of the world in a matter of a few minutes, and you feel enlightened and happy and awed, and all of those emotions that one associates with a state of well being. On the other hand, the smallness thingy does constrict you in ways that you would never think of. People have suddenly found that they can beat their drums and blow their trumpets in ways that they could never have fathomed ere the techno era. And so we have orkut, and then we have facebook, and then we have linked in...and the list goes on.
The thing with these social (and professional) networks is that people invest a lot of time and energy in these to show off to the world that they are the best. And the moment they think that someone on their "friends list" is a wee bit better (based on the latest snaps and the newest communities to his/her credit), they cannot stop until they put in something that makes them an inch ahead in the race for whatever it is that all of seem to be vying for...i haven't been able to pinpoint it as yet!
For my part, I would have liked to say that I am unmoved by it all; but that wouldn't be entirely true because a few months back I got so depressed at my apparent lack of achievements, that I cut myself off from the world. So well, I am vain and human too...but I would like to think that I am less so. Whether others agree, is entirely upto them.
And now for some seasons greetings:
Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have a vision now and then
Of a world where every neighbour is a friend
Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have our hopes, our will to try
If we dont we might as well lay down and die
You and I
(That's from a very favourite song which I used to listen endlessly on hot summer afternoons when I was growing up)
My new year resolution:
Not to lose my self esteem by knocking on doors that have been banged shut.
so, here's wishing that 2009's the year when all our dreams come true :)
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