Thursday, July 29, 2010

definition statements :)

some things define a person like no other.

it could be the smile, or the crinkling of the eyes when she smiles, or the funny gait, or the wild gesticulation while speaking, or the pulling on the chin while mulling over something deeply.

essentially, it could be anything.

it could even be the way the person reacts to a situation, the way he manages to convince the people around him always... or something equally significant, or perhaps insignificantly mundane.

there are those however, who choose to be defined by stranger quirks; such as their blind hatred for certain people or certain communities, or their predisposition to violence and hatred and further justifying such actions with some or the other religious or communal beliefs, or their snobbishness, or their looking down upon everyone else in the world, or their religious adherence to some belief system without being open to any other possibility.

i pity the latter category.

i think it is infinitely better to scratch one's behind while in deep conversation and thereby make a definition statement about self, than resort to belittling others or shutting them off as imbeciles who account for nothing, or kill them in the name of god-alone-knows-what.

god bless us all :)

1 comment:

Reeba said...

Nice write up, Sumi. Keep the work progressive. :-)